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Blog 76: Bishop TD Jake’s Daughter Buys A $4 Million Calabasas Home. Is It Wrong or Right?

She is the daughter of a renowned mega church pastor who got pregnant at the age of 14. Sarah Jakes Roberts has since redeemed herself and followed her father’s footsteps as an author and a televangelist.

Now in her 30s, it was reported by VARIETY that Sarah splashed a cool $4 million for a 9,473 square feet, 9 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms mansion in Calabasas, California. The same neighbourhood as Kanye West, Kim Kardashian and Drake.

Here is why the optics of her extravagance is wrong on so many levels.

It is not wrong per se to buy a $100 million property if you can afford it, but been ‘a christian’ is synonymous with humility and one who practices must act in accordance. This is an unspoken rule.

Case in point- The Catholic has way more wealth than some smaller nations but its pope will never be seen living in luxury. It is simply not a good practice.

Most religious leaders are pretty much the same with the exception of Christian’s.

This is not to say TD Jake’s daughter should wallow in penury for the sake of Jesus Christ. But, she most certainly don’t need  9 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms. Not even if she lives in an average zip/postal code.

It sends an air of profligacy, when there are members of her congregation who still work very basic jobs.

Most Christians will be quick to defend her spending, this is also understandable. Any right thinking individual will see the other side  as well.

If she chooses to spend like a rock star, just maybe she should stop preaching about Christianity because even Jesus Christ took on a humble job as a carpenter when he could have lived however he wanted.

It is true that the bible preached a life of abundance on anyone who believe in the lord. I have always interpreted that verse as abundance that you may help others with after your needs and more are met.

I am sure her intentions are in the right place but the perception will always be negative. No matter how it is unpacked, especially if she is doing ‘God’s Work’ for a living.

It is good to have lots of resources, one has to be really careful how it is displayed.

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