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Blog 76: Why Black Lives Will Never Be Taken Seriously.

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I pondered on why blacks are the only race that protest on the injustice that permeates its “community”. How come other race don’t take to the streets, in defiance to discriminations and lack of opportunity they encounter? The answer to my throbbing questions was hiding in plain sight all along.

It is simply because blacks don’t have economic power, and to make matters worse most are not trying to acquire it.

It is pathetic to learn nearly all blacks still believe in the religious doctrine, that one day the unjust will find it in their heart to do the right thing. Just perhaps if we protested and make our plights visible for the world to see, the world will take pity and try to make things right.

It did not take long to realize that if we don’t unlearn these sheepish and subservient thoughts, black lives will never be taken seriously, let alone matter.

The discriminatory system can only change if we own and control economic institutions, not by having a well paid job working for the system we are seeking equality from.

I learned first hand that you are only taken seriously, when the discriminatory system know that you have guts to stand your ground and demand what is yours. Having such gut don’t come cheap.

In 2019, I witnessed a blatant injustice against a colleague from our employer in London. This employee was so scared to stand up for himself for the fear of losing his job altogether, because the job is all he had.

I stepped in, and called out all the white people (senior managers) by name for discriminating on the young man. Sure enough I was suspended because “the powers that be” thought I had the audacity to challenge them.

I refused to go for a disciplinary hearing and instead took out a lawyer (never use a union if you want to be taken seriously) on £250 per hour plus VAT.

By the time they realized I wasn’t just another employee, a total of over £15,000 had been paid out. I took some the gains and wrote a cheque to every ethic minority at the place of work before quitting. Took evidence and attached it and emailed all members of staff.

My case is minute in comparison to what many people go thru and had I relied solely on the job, I may have kept my mouth shut and pretended that I didn’t see anything. Maybe I could cowered and beg to get my job back, or worst case scenario protested.

Would I have gotten the desired outcome if I were subservient? I think not. I think they reneged because it became clear to them that I wanted to go as far as they wanted to.

Same goes for the black community at large. All the injustice and discriminatory practices can only be reversed if, and only if, we learn to acquire institutional asset that create, support and sustain our own jobs.

We will remain poor and protest at every chance we get unless we re-write the narrative.

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