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Blog 76: Are Your A Consumer or A Creator?

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As we embrace the new year with open arms, it is imperative to take some time out to look back and make an inventory of the goals set in the previous year. Did you manage to achieve what you set out in January of 2021?

For sure, the cataclysmic spate of the virus pandemic had a ripple effect on lives and livelihood. Nonetheless, wealth and abundance were created on a large scale amidst the crisis.

The differentiating factors that separate those who met or exceeded their goals from those who didn’t, could be based on whether you are a consumer or a creator.

The consumer/creator concept is deeper than the supercilious world of material goods and services. Hence we took a deep dive to concisely explain the difference.

There are two types of people in the world, a consumer and a creator.

Consumers put themselves first and ask what they can take.  A creator give and add value to what is already in place.

Consumers and their circle expect things to be done for them, A creator look for ways to be helpful by doing things for the service of others.

Consumers are selfish and seldom give credit where it is due. Creators are quite the opposite.

The consumer mindset look for what they can take, while the creator mindset look for what they can give.

It is not enough to be a creator, but most importantly surround yourself with other creators of similar ilk.

So ask yourself, what mindset do you bring to the table? Are you a consumer or a creator?

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